Make news, dismantle a fake
Students work in a practical way: they write news about scientific topics that interest them, interview scientists and share this content on social networks.
AulaCheck is a media literacy and critical thinking project to learn how to communicate science and distinguish between quality and reliable information and those that are not (fake news).
Students collaboratively create an online newspaper with news and dismantling science fakes. The project has already reached 30 secondary schools (3rd, 4th ESO and 1st Baccalaureate) across the country with the participation of hundreds of students. In an environment of much misinformation, especially on social networks, the project brings concepts such as sources or methodologies to the classroom.
It has the collaboration of FECYT, the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology.
Project Type: National
Duration: 2023-2024

– Providing tools for teachers and young people to combat misinformation in science
– Promoting teamwork and critical thinking
– To increase the scientific culture of young people
– Encourage STEAM vocations
– Bringing research closer to the classrooms
Ibercivis is responsible for organising and planning all phases of the project. From the selection of schools to the final event with the participation of science journalists. The Ibercivis team carries out training workshops for teachers with the help of the news verification agency Verificat. As a novelty in AulaCheck+, the educational impact of the project will be measured in collaboration with the University of Zaragoza.
– Design of the corporate image of the project
– Maintenance and management of the website
– Elaboration of didactic materials to work in the classroom: good practice guides, infographics, workshops…
– Project communication
– We offer continuous feedback and advice to teachers
– Organisation of the final event