European Citizen Science
Our vision is to be a globally connected, inclusive and strong citizen science community for social change in Europe.
Following the work carried out in (2018 – 2021), the European Citizen Science (ECS) project continues the consolidation of a strong and open citizen science network in Europe.
ECS highlights initiatives such as the creation of a European Citizen Science Academy, together with the establishment of a network of 28 ECS Ambassadors, one for each EU member state plus the United Kingdom.
These ambassadors will promote the activation and support of citizen science communities in their respective countries.
ECS is a citizen meta-science project, focused on supporting citizen science professionals so that they in turn can facilitate work in this field, although it does not work directly with citizens, which would be more usual in traditional citizen science projects.
Project Type: European
Duration: 2022 – 2026
The main goal of the European Citizen Science (ECS) is to enrich and enhance the citizen science network in Europe, with special emphasis on the training of researchers, communities and institutions interested in citizen science.
To this end, tools and resources will be co-designed and made available to the European citizen science community.
The Ibercivis Foundation has a leading role in the development of the European citizen science online platform, leading the work package focused on the continuous advancement of this platform.
To achieve this, co-creation workshops will be held for researchers and facilitators, who will participate in the design and selection of new services to be incorporated into the platform. This co-creation process takes place in four cycles, each with a different community, culminating in the presentation of the selected services at the launch of the platform update.
The project is also characterised by an active communication strategy, led by the ECSA organisation, which includes the creation and distribution of information material. Ibercivis collaborates in this facet, adapting and promoting the contents through its communication channels.
Online Platform Development
Co-creation Workshops
Communication and Dissemination
Updating the Platform
Citizen MetaScience