Engaging citizens mobilizing technology delivering Green Deal


GREENGAGE raises public awareness by showing environmental challenges (climate change, poor air quality, healthy living) through the ‘as is’ state of the urban environment, highlighting information and other gaps in reliable data held by public administrations.

The Greengage project is a citizen science project that seeks to promote the green and digital transformation towards carbon neutral cities. To achieve this, it integrates two dimensions.

Firstly, it seeks to improve the intelligence applied to the decision-making process and governance of cities through the participation of citizen observations integrated with existing technologies such as Copernicus, GEOSS, in-situ, among others; integrated through innovative governance models.

Secondly, Greengage takes advantage of social and cultural opportunities to promote the active participation of citizens through Citizen Observatories in the collection and use of data for decision making according to the ‘Smart Urban Governance’ model.

The project is framed in 5 pilots developed in different regions of Europe. The pilots that make up Greengage are: Bristol, Turano, Nord-Barabant, Copenhagen and Gerace.


Project Type: European

Duration: 3 years


Increase public awareness, interest and engagement in urban environmental issues.

Provide scientifically robust and rigorous methods for understanding environmental data.

Promote and ensure higher rates of uptake and implementation of citizen-generated data in policy and decision making in the environmental domain towards citizen-centred urban governance, through validation and demonstration of its added value through GREENGAGE Citizen Observatories and pilots.

Promote the co-creation of data solutions for the urban environment to facilitate environmental observation and validation through the GREENGAGE pilots.

Establish synergies between partners, networks of citizen observatories and initiatives, and environmental agencies, to exchange best practices, ensure transferability, adoption and replication of successful Citizen Observatory experiences in different contexts across Europe and with different groups to ensure sufficient social representation.


– Elaboration of methodologies for the establishment of citizen observatories, combining top-down and bottom-up approaches, and ensuring meaningful citizen participation at all stages of the process, from the very beginning of the creation of the observatories.

– Creation of resources to ensure citizen engagement and participation throughout the entire project

– Communicating and disseminating project milestones and results

– Establishment of an international community of citizen observatories

– Actions to maximise impact


-Citizen observatories with citizen participation

-Resources for the maintenance of the project

-Communication activities and the creation of an international community of citizen observatories