Ibercivis is a leading foundation in the implementation of citizen science methodologies in Spain and Europe.
Established in Zaragoza (Spain), it has become a meeting point for citizen communities, scientists and institutions that wish to contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge in an open and inclusive way. With a clear international vocation, Ibercivis develops, promotes and studies projects that promote its vision of a more participatory and democratic science.

Ibercivis was born as a distributed computing platform, based on BOINC, which allowed internet users to participate in scientific projects by donating computing cycles that were used to perform simulations and other scientific tasks. The tasks of the different projects were designed in science and technology centres all over Spain.
The predecessor of the Ibercivis platform, the Zivis Project, was launched in 2007. Zivis was a pioneering distributed computing project carried out in Spain in collaboration with the National Nuclear Fusion Laboratory of CIEMAT and the Zaragoza City Council.
The official presentation of Ibercivis as a distributed computing platform took place on 20 June 2008 in Madrid (RTVE news). The research areas of the first three Ibercivis projects were nuclear fusion, protein folding and materials simulations.
Ibercivis began to expand its activity by incorporating very diverse methodologies and was set up as a foundation at the CSIC headquarters in Madrid on 14 November 2011.
The founding entities of the Ibercivis Foundation were the University of Zaragoza, the CIEMAT, the CSIC, the Government of Aragon, the Zaragoza City of Knowledge Foundation (ZCC), the Ikerbasque Foundation, the public business entity Red.es, and the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness.
Zaragoza Ciudad del Conocimiento (ZCC), the Ikerbasque Foundation, the public business entity Red.es, and the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness.
Ibercivis continues to lead, promote and/or support citizen science projects in many different areas of knowledge, together with many people and entities, at local, national and international levels.
In addition, we work together with public administrations designing objectives and outlining roadmaps that incorporate citizen science in universities, research institutes, local institutions and in the media and scientific dissemination, presenting it as a catalogue of tools and methodologies that bring citizens closer to the scientific development of the country.
Ibercivis nació como una plataforma de computación distribuida, basada en BOINC, permitiendo a usuarios de internet participar en proyectos científicos donando ciclos de computación que se emplean para realizar simulaciones y otras tareas. Las tareas de los distintos proyectos se diseñaron en diversos centros científicos y tecnológicos de toda España. El predecesor de la plataforma Ibercivis, el proyecto Zivis, arrancó en el año 2007. Zivis fue un proyecto pionero de computación distribuida realizado en España que se llevó a cabo con la colaboración del Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión Nuclear del CIEMAT y el Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza. La presentación oficial de Ibercivis como plataforma de computación distribuida tuvo lugar el 20 de junio de 2008 en Madrid (noticia de RTVE). Los ámbitos de investigación de los tres primeros proyectos de Ibercivis fueron fusión nuclear, plegamiento de proteínas y simulaciones de materiales.
Ibercivis comenzó a ampliar su actividad incorporando metodologías muy diversas y se constituyó como fundación en la sede del CSIC en Madrid, el 14 de noviembre de 2011. Las entidades fundadoras de la Fundación Ibercivis fueron el la Universidad de Zaragoza, el CIEMAT, el CSIC, el Gobierno de Aragón, la Fundación Zaragoza Ciudad del Conocimiento (ZCC), la Fundación Ikerbasque y la Entidad pública empresarial Red.es, y el Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad.
Ibercivis continúa liderando, promoviendo y/o apoyando proyectos de ciencia ciudadana en muy diversas áreas de conocimiento, junto a múltiples personas y entidades, en los ámbitos local, nacional e internacional.
Ibercivis is a private non-profit foundation whose objectives are to carry out, promote and make citizen science visible. In order to achieve its objectives, and in collaboration with various scientific and social agents, the Ibercivis FoundationIbercivis is a private non-profit foundation whose objectives are to carry out, promote and make citizen science visible. In order to achieve its objectives, and in collaboration with various scientific and social agents, the Ibercivis Foundation::
Conducts and promotes research in many different areas of scientific knowledge at local, national and international levels.
It provides technical support, dissemination and training so that anyone can participate in scientific research, according to their interests and ever-dynamic capabilities.
We share resources and experience derived from our own citizen science activity.
We conduct our own research by developing our own citizen science projects in which we theorise, prototype, model, assess impact, measure, develop technology and publish results.
We promote the dissemination of the concept of ‘citizen science’ through the development of projects and local, national and international events, exhibitions, publications, reports, awards, training, among other activities.
Ibercivis es una fundación privada sin ánimo de lucro que tiene como objetivos realizar, promover y visibilizar la ciencia ciudadana. Para la consecución de sus objetivos, y en colaboración con diversos agentes científicos y sociales, la Fundación Ibercivis:
Realiza y promueve investigaciones en muy diferentes áreas de conocimiento científico en los ámbitos local, nacional e internacional
Proporciona apoyo técnico, difusión y formación de modo que cualquier persona pueda participar en la investigación científica, en función de sus intereses y capacidades siempre dinámicas.
Compartimos recursos y experiencia derivados de nuestra propia actividad en ciencia ciudadana.
Realizamos investigación propia al elaborar nuestros propios proyectos de ciencia ciudadana propios en los que teorizamos, prototipamos, elaboramos modelos, evaluamos el impacto, realizamos mediciones, elaboramos tecnología y publicamos resultados.
Promovemos la diseminación del concepto “ciencia ciudadana” a través del desarrollo de los proyectos y de eventos locales, nacionales e internacionales, exposiciones, publicaciones, informes, premios, formación, entre otras actividades.
The Board of Trustees of the Ibercivis Foundation is made up of the University of Zaragoza, CSIC, CIEMAT, the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, the Government of Aragon and the Zaragoza City of Knowledge Foundation. Since its constitution as a Foundation, the President of the Board of Trustees has been the Rector of the University of Zaragoza. The Rectors who have chaired the Board of Trustees to date have been: Felipe Pétriz, Manuel López (q.e.p.d) and currently José Antonio Mayoral.
El Patronato de la Fundación Ibercivis está formado por la Universidad de Zaragoza, CSIC, CIEMAT, el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación de España, el Gobierno de Aragón y la Fundación Zaragoza Ciudad del Conocimiento. Desde su constitución como Fundación, el Presidente del Patronato ha sido el Rector de la Universidad de Zaragoza. Los rectores que han presidido el Patronato hasta la fecha han sido: Felipe Pétriz, Manuel López (q.e.p.d) y actualmente José Antonio Mayoral.
Milestones, projects, highlights
Desktop Grid
Ibercivis was born as a computing project using the Desktop Grid paradigm.
Zivis, Spain’s first volunteer computing project, is born
Zivis becomes Ibercivis, a national volunteer computing project. Three projects are being implemented: nuclear fusion, protein folding and materials simulation.
Boinc multi-server
An agreement is established with the Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior, the Centro de Neurociências e Biologia Celular of the University of Coimbra and the Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas in Portugal for the incorporation of new applications to Ibercivis.
Participatory experiments
It incorporates the paradigm of participatory experiments beyond volunteer computing: human behaviour, environmental monitoring, social sciences and complex systems.
Ibercivis is officially constituted as a private non-profit foundation.
The Socientize project, the first European project (FP7) on citizen science, is launched. New participatory experiments are incorporated
Green Paper
Green Paper on Citizen Science published
White Paper
Experiments in collective intelligence. White Paper on Citizen Science for Europe is published.
CESAR Open Innovation Labs
CESAR Citizen Laboratories in Etopia-Science, Art and Technology set up by the University of Zaragoza, the BIFI University Research Institute, the Ibercivi Foundation, Zaragoza City Council and the Zaragoza City of Knowledge Foundation.
Citizen Science Observatory
I Open Call CESAR-Etopia. Start of the Observatory of CC in Spain with the collaboration of FECYT-Ministry of Science and Innovation.
National CC Plan
The National Citizen Science Plan is developed together with FECYT-Ministry of Science and Innovation.
CC Promotion in Spain
Promotion of QC with FECYT-Ministry of Science and Innovation
1st Ibercivis Call for Science and Technology Projects.
Third Millennium-Heraldo Award ‘Science and Society’.
FECYT Projects: OdourCollect, CanSat
H2020 Project: D-NOSES
1st International CC Forum
1st International QC Forum co-organised with FECYT – Ministry of Science and Innovation
Observatory of QC in Zaragoza in collaboration with the City Council of Zaragoza.
II Ibercivis Call for CC Projects
FECYT Projects: Vigilantes del aire, Cities At Night, Cansat, Make it Special
H2020 Project: EU-Citizen.Science
FECYT Projects: Birds in the cloud, Airwatchers II, Challenge below Zero, Make it Special II
COVID-PHYM Project with CSIC
H2020 Project: NEWSERA
Citizen science, social sciences and humanities
1st National Meeting on QC in Humanities and Social Sciences
FECYT Projects: Interfungi, Servet
H2020 Projects: COESO, DECIDO
Citizen science at the University
Citizen science promotion strategy with the Ministry of Universities
Common Identities II
FECYT Projects: InterFungi, AulaCheck, Servet, FUENAragon, Flebocollect
H2020 Socio-BEE Project
Horizon Europe Project: ECS
Citizen science and climate change adaptation
New national and European projects to face the challenges of climate change.
FECYT projects: AulaCheck+, Servet IX and X, CC Impacts, Soil Watchers.
Other national projects: RadoHow, Flood2Now.
Horizon Europe projects: Greengage, Echo, Agora.
European projects: ProCOAST, Plan B.