Development of a citizen science network for the measurement of environmental gamma radiation in Spain


Openred seeks to increase public education in relation to radiation, its sources, the general principles of radiation detection and radiation protection both in emergency situations and in situations of planned and existing exposure.

Openred aims to create a citizen’s network equipped with
sensors to measure environmental gamma radiation in Spain.
This project will also seek to promote a culture of radiological protection through citizen science. The measurements taken will be sent automatically to a central server and, once validated, will be available to the public in real time.

A group of experts from the University of Zaragoza, Cantabria, Politécnica de Cataluña and CIEMAT will advise the project throughout its duration. This project not only focuses on the monitoring of radioactivity, but also seeks to promote greater public understanding and participation of citizens in scientific issues, creating a culture of knowledge and awareness of radiological protection in Spain.


Project type: National

Duration: 2023 – 2026


Promote a culture of public awareness of radiation protection, encouraging training in this area through communication and dissemination campaigns.

Promote a citizens’ network for the measurement of environmental gamma radioactivity in Spain, encouraging participation and the use of low-cost detectors together with the corresponding analysis of the educational impact.


One of the first tasks will be to prepare a feasibility report, analysing the technological infrastructure used in similar projects and the associated challenges. In parallel, training and outreach material on ionising radiation and radiation protection principles will be developed.

The creation of a representative community of participants is another pillar of the project, aiming to involve at least 500 people along with the acquisition and distribution of measurement detectors.

Participatory activities are also a central component of Openred, including the organisation and execution of a multi-city hackathon, the testing and validation of developed devices, the design of citizen participation missions, and the execution of collective intelligence experiments to assess the educational and social awareness impact of the project.


Project coordination and supervision
Feasibility study
Development of the technological infrastructure
Organisation and execution of participatory activities, including hackathons, participatory missions and collective intelligence experiments.
Communication and dissemination activities.