Near Space Exploration


The experiments are designed and built by the citizens, who take the initiative in setting and creating their own scientific challenge.

Servet is a scientific-divulgative project in which experiments are carried out close to space, launched by means of balloon probes into the stratosphere. During the course of this project, citizens and secondary schools propose their own experiment.

Servet, with several editions each year, is a project of the Scientific, Technological and Innovation Culture modality of the call for grants for the Promotion of Scientific, Technological and Innovation Culture FECYT. In coordination with the I3A of the University of Zaragoza.


Project Type: National

Duration: 2023 – 2024


Through the Servet project, participants carry out all the phases of a real stratospheric project, from the choice of the mission objectives to the design of the probe, the integration of components, the testing of the system, the preparation of the launch and the analysis of the data obtained. Throughout this process, the students:
– Learns in a practical way
– Apply knowledge to propose and develop innovative solutions to the challenges they are faced with
– Becomes familiar with research methodology, which is commonly used in real-life scientific and technical professions.
– Acquires and/or reinforces elementary knowledge of technology, physics, chemistry and programming
– Reinforces their social skills, realising the importance of coordination and teamwork.
– Strengthens their communicative skills
– Encourages their self-critical spirit, creativity and motivation to learn.


Servet is co-funded by FECYT and collaborates with the Aragon Institute for Engineering Research (I3A-Unizar) and Zaragoza City Council through etopia_ art and technology centre.

Ibercivis’ role is to provide assistance to the educational centres for the development of their experiments, as well as to design and disseminate the project in social networks and other media.


Accompany the researcher in the coordination of the project, communication, tutoring and monitoring of teams and transversal activities.

Organising launch days, requesting project updates, arranging space reservations and permits, arranging the location of the launch, contacting suppliers of materials and services.