Connecting research and society
About the project
COESO aims to develop and sustain citizen science research in the social sciences and humanities. COESO’s mission is to enable a strong growth of citizen science projects in the social sciences and humanities and to support participatory research through a service-first approach. The COESO project is an effort to bridge collaboration between the European social sciences and humanities community, the citizen science community and the open scholarly communication community.

Project characteristics
Project type European
Duration 2021 – 2024
Areas of knowledge citizen science, social sciences and humanities
Project objectives
COESO addresses the specific challenges that hinder the development of citizen science in the social sciences and humanities by creating an overarching framework which:
- hosts citizen science pilot projects that reflect the variety of practices and challenges of citizen science in the social sciences and humanities.
- supports them with collaborative tools through a specific virtual ecosystem.
- targets the funding flows needed to dramatically scale up citizen science in the social sciences and humanities.
- provides support and training for citizen engagement in the social sciences and humanities through mutual learning.
- produces knowledge on citizen science co-creation practices in the social sciences and humanities through a rigorous evaluation protocol of collaborative challenges in pilot projects.
Ibercivis' role in the project
- Draw up the Landscape study on Citizen Science funding. This report aims to provide a first outline of the current landscape of available funding schemes for citizen science activities in the social sciences and humanities. This preliminary work will help to identify next steps to improve financial support for citizen science activities in social sciences and humanities (D4.1, WP4).
- Coordination of COESO national workshops for funders. Series of online working sessions aimed at identifying barriers and difficulties encountered by funders when funding citizen science projects. Their conclusions will be used to draw up a document of good practices that will complement the project’s Funding Advocacy Action Plan.
- Integration of the VERA technology platform with the European citizen science portal through its API.
Methodologies and technologies used
Research / desk research
Conducting interviews, producing surveys and forms
Participatory and co-creation sessions
API development
Project information
Official project website: