EU-Citizen.Science project
The platform for sharing citizen science projects, resources, tools and training.

About the project
EU-Citizen.Science is an online platform for sharing knowledge, tools, training and resources for citizen science – by the community, for the community.

Project characteristics
Type of project: European
Duration: 2019 – 2021
Knowledge areas: ciencia ciudadana, tecnología, desarrollo web
Project objectives
- Establish EU-Citizen.Science as a knowledge hub and community for quality exchange and learning on citizen science in Europe.
- Strengthen citizen science-based knowledge and celebrate success stories and the state of the art of citizen science in Europe.
- Empower different actors to become citizen scientists, drive citizen science initiatives, and implement citizen science approaches at a professional level.
- Explore new avenues for participation-based governance by strengthening the links between citizen science and policy actors and decision-makers.
- Integrate citizen science into the dynamics of citizen participation, science communication and education.
Ibercivis' role in the project
The Ibercivis Foundation has been part of the European consortium of the project, representing Spain together with the Ministry of Science and Innovation and FECYT – the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology. Its main task has been the technological development of the platform, its implementation and operation.
The platform’s e-learning platform has been implemented.
In addition, Ibercivis has participated in the co-creation process of the technical and functional requirements of the platform, and has co-organised the presentation events, as well as workshops and online meetings at national and European level.
Finally, Ibercivis has actively participated in the communication of the project, as well as in the dissemination of its results, through the communication channels of the foundation and developing graphic support material, aligned with the corporate identity of the project.
Methodologies and technologies used
Participatory and co-creation processes for the elaboration of the platform’s requirements.
Web development tools
Web space to host the platform
Graphic design tools
Project information
Project website:
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