[:es]Date: 16 April 2015
Schedule: 10:00-19:30
Language: English
Site: Disseny Hub Barcelona Room C
Pl. de les Glòries Catalanes, 37-38 Barcelona
Organised by: Ajuntament de Barcelona, Institut de Cultura de Barcelona and BarcelonaLab Citizen Science Office; OpenSystems from Universitat de Barcelona.
Hashtag for Twitter: #CitSciBCN #NOVUM2015
Twitter account: @CCiutadana
Live graphic reporting: Verity Harrison (thinkdoodly.com)
The objective of the second edition of the Barcelona Citizen Science Day is to consolidate this event as a reference Open Forum on Citizen Science for the city of Barcelona. While the past year edition was focused on giving visibility to all the existing projects, this 2015 edition will focus on proposing transversal tools and methodologies, applicable to most of the citizen science projects.
The meeting is part of NOVUM (the Barcelona Science, Technology and Innovation Festival) organised by the Direction of Creativity and Innovation of the Institute of Culture of Barcelona (Barcelona City Council).
Participants: Researchers, Students, Science Communicators, Civic actors, Makers and anyone interested in Citizen Science.
Anyone interested should register on line
– Citizen Science Wishing Wall. Looking for collaborators for your Citizen Science project? Having special skills and wanting to collaborate with Citizen Science projects? Post it on the Whishing Wall!
– Citizen Science Expositor. Do you want to share diffusion material (flyers, business cards, objects..) of your project with the participants ? This is the place to drop it off.
– Discussion. Do your want to share your views/recommendations with the organizers, give your opinion during the sessions or ask questions to the speakers? Tweet with the hashtags #CitSciBCN and #NOVUM2015 and mention @CCiutadana!
10:00-10:15 Welcome of the participants by the organisers and representatives of the organisation.
10:15-10:50 What’s new in Citizen Science? Trends and topics.
• CitSci 2015 International Conference and the new Citizen Science Associations. Josep Perelló, Oficina de Ciència Ciutadana and OpenSystems, UB.
• Citizen Science in H2020 – Projects and Policies. John Magan, Deputy Head of Unit «Digital Science», European Commission.
10:50-11:50 Ignite Talks #1: European Projects, Open Data and Privacy. Citizen science project presented in 5 minutes and 3 slides.
• Physical Activity through Sustainable Transport Approaches (PASTA)
Ione Avila-Palencia, Centre for Research in Environmental Epidemiology
• Citizens’ Observatory for Coast and Ocean Optical Monitoring (CITCLOPS)
Alexander Steblin, Barcelona Digital Technology Centre.
• BeWater: society adapting to Global change
Anabel Sanchez, Annelies Broekman, CREAF.
Daniel García, La Caixa Foundation.
• Privacy: Citizen Science’s next frontier
Liliana Arroyo, Eticas Research & Consulting.
• OpenBeeResearch
Isabelle Bonhoure, OpenSystems (Universitat de Barcelona).
• Riu.net, an App to assess rivers’ ecological status
Narcis Prat, FEM Resarch Group, Universitat de Barcelona.
• ClimaDat: Open Data on Climate Science.
Josep-Anton Morguí, Institut Català de Ciències del Clima (IC3).
• MEDJELLY Mobile Application for jellyfish monitoring
Verónica Fuentes, Institute of Marine Sciences (CSIC).
• Motivating birders for Citizen Science
Abel Julien, Institut Català d’Ornitologia.
Chair: Elisabetta Broglio, Institute of Marine Sciences (CSIC).
11h50-12:20 Coffee break.
12:20-12:30 Premi Ciència Ciutadana
Presentation of the Premi Ciència Ciutadana promoted by El Temps and the associated web platform, www.eltemps.cat [En català]
Zaida Torregrosa (El Temps).
12:30-14:00 Session #1. Citizen Science and Public engagement.
Description of the public participation/engagement strategy used in some citizen science projects and how they managed to engage a large number of volunteers and/or some specific collectives.
• BioBlitzBCN: public engagement, citizen science and biodiversity recording
Dacha Atienza, Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona.
• Ibercivis, ten years inspiring citizen science in Spain
Fermín Serrano, Universidad de Zaragoza.
• Collective Experiments for citizen science
Mario Gutiérrez Roig (OpenSystems) and Oleguer Sagarra (Physics and Computation of Complex Systems), Universitat de Barcelona.
Responding speakers from others worlds:
• Understanding Data through human acts
Dani Llugany, Domestic Data Streamers.
• Basurama, engaging the public on the real estate bubble waste
Pablo Rey, Basurama, Montera34 and Public Laboratory for Open Technology and Science.
Chair: Frederic Bartumeus, Centre d’Estudis Avançats de Blanes (CEAB- CSIC).
14:00-15:00 Lunch Break
15:00-15:10 Barcelona Citizen Science Office: presentation of the Citizen Science Catalogue and the Open Call for new projects.
Isabelle Bonhoure (OpenSystems, Grup Coordinador de la Oficina de Ciència Ciutadana).
15:10-16:40 Session #2. New tools and technologies for Citizen Science Projects.
Description of the innovative tools and/or technologies used some citizen science project and explanation of why they represent a clear breakthrough.
• CITI Citizens’ observatories for community-based
environmental monitoring (CITI-SENSE)
Tom Cole-Hunter, Centre for Research in Environmental Epidemiology (CREAL).
• Enlisting citizen-scientists in the war on tiger mosquitoes Frederic Bartumeus, Centre d’Estudis Avançats de Blanes (CEAB- CSIC).
• Citizen science and Do-It-Together techniques to estimate the quality of seawater
Carine Simon, Raul Bardaji, Institute of Marine Sciences (CSIC).
Responding speakers from others worlds:
• Next Generation Data Mapping with CartoDB
Eric Bean, CartoDB.
• Goteo.org, an open source network for civic crowdfunding and distributed collaboration
Enric Senabre, Goteo.org
Chair: Josep Perelló, OpenSystems (Universitat de Barcelona).
16h40-17:10 Coffee break.
17:10-18:10 Ignite Talks #2: New Mobile Applications and Digital Platforms for Citizen Science
Citizen science project presented in 5 minutes and 3 slides
• Dr. Brain, a game to investigate human behaviour
Julia Poncela, Universitat Rovira i Virgili.
• «Stick out your tongue”
Annick Labeeuw, Centre for Genomic Regulation.
• SeaWatchers
Joaquim Garrabou, Institute of Marine Sciences (CSIC).
Montse Llasat-Botija, Universitat de Barcelona.
• Km2 Poblenou
Mònica Garriga, Itinerarium.
• OBSEA Observatory
Guillem Santamaria Motis, Institute of Marine Sciences (CSIC).
• Il•lustraciència
Miquel Baidal, Il•lustraciència – Assoc. Catalana de Comunicació Científica (ACCC).
• Wikipedia for Science & Technology
Eduard Aibar, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.
• The Open Wetlab as a space for biology, art and society
Maria Bota, WAAG Society.
• Point of Information on Aerobiology (PIA-XAC)
Jordina Belmonte, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Chair: Aitana Oltra, Centre Estudis Avançats de Blanes (CSIC).
18:10-18:30 Day wrap up, sketching and beers.
• Presentation of the sketch of the day
Verity Harrison, thinkdoodly.com
• Summary of the main outcome of the discussions
Barcelona Citizen Science Office.
18:30-19:30 Keynote Conference
Open to the public [No registration]
Public Lab, a DIY environmental science community
Liz Barry, Co-founder and Director of Community Development at the Public Laboratory for Open Technology and Science
Public Lab is a two-part project — an attempt at large-scale community environmental monitoring, AND a massively distributed R&D lab for inventing new monitoring techniques and equipment. Any person or organization is welcome to base their own participatory science project in Public Lab’s infrastructure. This presentation will provide an orientation to how we work together online and in person, share attribution, learn, and advocate for change — a process we describe as «community science.»