Designing a specific policy for citizen science in Spain.

Info útil


Sanz, F., Clemente-Gallardo, J., Pelacho, M., Ibáñez, M.C., Guardia, L., López, C., Lisbona, D., Barba, J. y Serrano-Sanz, F.




Póster en congreso, III International Conference, European Citizen Science Association (ECSA), Trieste, Italia.


Acciones para el fortalecimiento de la ciencia ciudadana en España (2018-2019), Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT)- Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y Fundación Ibercivis. Plan de acción para el impulso y consolidación de la ciencia ciudadana en España (2017-2018), FECYT- Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad y Fundación Ibercivis.


Cómo citar
/How to cite

Sanz, F., Clemente-Gallardo, J., Pelacho, M., Ibáñez, M.C.,  Guardia, L., López, C., Lisbona, D., Barba, J. and Serrano-Sanz, F.(2020). Designing a specific policy for citizen science in Spain. Poster at the III International Conference, European Citizen Science Association (ECSA), Trieste, Italy.


In Spain, as in many other countries, diverse citizen science initiatives have been developed over decades. Nowadays there is a growing interest in providing the proper support from institutions, respecting the «extitutional» character of a large number of citizen science projects. In 2018-2019, the Ibercivis Foundation together with the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT)-Ministry of Science and Innovation carried out a Collaboration Agreement to promote both the concept and practices. Ibercivis Foundation elaborated a final report-proposal including the following steps for the consolidation of the Network of Citizen Science in Spain. Here we offer its main results.