8 steps to addressing odour pollution with citizens: a model to orchestrate quadruple helix stakeholder engagement in citizen science

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Francis, L., Balestrini, M., Salas, N., Alonso-Roldán, M., Stockwell, H., Righib, V., Paz, L. y Arias R.




Póster en congreso, III International Conference, European Citizen Science Association (ECSA), Trieste, Italia.




Cómo citar
/How to cite

Francis, L., Balestrini, M., Salas Seoane, N., Alonso-Roldán, M., Stockwell, H., Righi, V., Errandonea, L.P., and Arias R. (2022). 8 steps to addressing odour pollution with citizens: a model to orchestrate quadruple helix stakeholder engagement in citizen science. Poster at the III International Conference, European Citizen Science Association (ECSA), Trieste, Italy.


Here we present the first version of the D-NOSES engagement model. It is largely based on engagement models by project partners Ideas for Change (The Bristol Approach, Balestrini et al., 2017) and Mapping for Change (Haklay & Francis, 2018), and incorporates the Extreme Citizen Science approach (Haklay, 2013). These have been previously tested and validated in a wide number of citizen science projects ranging from air and noise pollution, to damp problems in homes. D-NOSES combines the best practices of both models whilst expanding them with the inclusion of tools specific to odour pollution and the quadruple helix approach.