State Strategy in Spain for Strengthening Citizen Science: The Role of Universities

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Calvo-Martínez, A., González-Bedia, M., López, C., Sánchez-García, V., Sanz-García, F., Pelacho, M., Moreno, A. y Romero, F.




Póster en congreso, IV International Conference, European Citizen Science Association (ECSA), Berlin, Alemania.


Citizen Science and University, Experts Group co-cordinated by Ministry of Universities (Spain) and Ibercivis


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Calvo-Martínez, A., González-Bedia, M., López, C., Sánchez-García, V., Sanz-García, F., Pelacho, M., Moreno and A., Romero, F. (2022). State Strategy in Spain for Strengthening Citizen Science: The Role of Universities. Poster at the IV International Conference, European Citizen Science Association (ECSA), Berlin, Germany.


An indicator of the good health of citizen science (CS) in Spain is its high participation and leadership in a broad range of projects funded by the European Commission. At national/local level, the Observatory of citizen science in Spain has identified around 300 citizen science initiatives, involving thousands of people. From an academic perspective, Spain has been in the top-ten of CS-related publications since 2010. In addition, more and more universities are developing citizen science projects. However, the enormous potential of citizen science and its impacts is not yet widely known. The Ministry of Universities in Spain, in addressing the challenges facing the university system, does recognise this potential. This is reflected in the Organic Law on Universities, soon to be approved, in which citizen science is one pillar, together with Open Science, to achieve the necessary openness of the university to the entire society. Despite the challenges, universities continue to be ideal nodes of research and education to establish an integral collaboration with the countless knowledge-generating spaces. For this reason, the Ministry of Universities, in coordination with the Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN), the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT), together with the Ibercivis Foundation, have launched a strategy to promote citizen science in, with and from universities. A Summer School will be held in July at the Menéndez Pelayo International University, which will be taught by academic and non-academic citizen science experts at national and international level. Moreover, a new call for grants will be launched for citizen science projects that include the participation of universities, integrating it into the annual call of FECYT and MICINN. The ultimate goal is to create a strategy for promoting citizen science in, with and from universities, in order to achieve the much claimed knowledge democratisation and real connection between universities and their environments.